Thursday, October 13, 2005

missing paper

I am missing a peice of paper I need for my 9:00 a.m. class tomorrow morning.

In truth I would have forgotten about it except that a student in my evening class, which finished at 6:50, said something that reminded me of it. This piece of paper was given to me just a few days ago. And it is now hidden amongst the thousands and thousands of pieces of paper in my office.

I am very glad that there is no particular place I need to be, other than here hunting for a piece of paper amongst many. I can lisen to the BBC, and maybe get rid of some paper, and file some more. The hundreds of quizzes from yesterday don't need to be graded tonight. I do need to write a new one one for my 10:00 to 11:50 class for tomorrow, but it will be short...

When the BBC hour stops at 8:00 p.m. I have some new CD's to listen to. (Thank you Emma)

At one time, Professors used to have secretaries.

I could really use one.


Emano said...

One of the hardest things about teaching, for me, is keeping track of paper. There's so much of it. And there is so little time to decide which ones are really needed, and it's so easy to put papers in a "special" pile "so I can remember where it is." I envy the people who can look at a piece of paper as it comes into their possession and rapidly decide what should happen to it, and act upon it even if it means *hushed tones* filing it.

H said...

Oh yes.

Why is it assumed that an educator should have ANY sense when it comes to paper? We are NOT secretaries and file clerk.

I found my piece of paper just now. I had tucked into my class textbook. Placed there no doubt so it would not get lost in any one of the many "special" piles. I did deal with about a foot of paper. Some was discarded, some is now filed.

I should do this every night. If I did, why, in only a few months my office would be lovely and tidy!

Emano said...

What if you did it once a week? (she asked without looking at the pile of papers at the end of the dining room table.)

Actually, I'm making progress. Three years ago I bought a book on setting up a home filing system-- and this summer I read it.