Sunday, August 28, 2005

The park 100-200 meters from my house


Jess said...

It's gorgeous. Really... You are very lucky to have that sort of beauty so near.

La Tulipe said...

Rian has a brick borrowed from Dr. Lorimer's Mill Creek in Rian's back yard.

But do not tell.

H said...

A brick? I only saw you snatching little rocks. Sneaky sneaky.

yes, I am lucky.

Skywolf said...

So beautiful. I love the woods.

Gorgeous pictures.

biped said...

I am always in awe of natural beauty. I hope you get enough time to go an wander through that lovely park at times.

Archie Furrows said...

At least "borrowed" implies Rian intends to put it back. It's not like she stole it, is it?