A week ago Tuesday I spent much of the day in airports. One of Northwest’s major hubs is the Detroit airport, and I rather like it. Terminal A is a huge, airy, and unbelievably long hall. A tram runs high on one side transporting people from one end to the other. Moving walks can speed you if you choose to do it by foot. There are many shops and restaurants if you have the time to stroll.
I arrived in terminal B which connects to terminal A through an underground tunnel with a light and music installation that always mesmerizes me. This time it played jazz and the colors mainly shifted through reds and blues, with beats of yellow and green.

Coming up from the tunnel into the center of terminal A, you come to a fountain where water rises in coherent tubular arcs to fall into the center of a smooth round black table. The sheath of water on the table reflects the sky and the heads of great planes. The arcs stop and start, sending hunks of water through the air in an assortment of patterns. Children often cluster around it, fascinated by the forms of the water coming and going
Oh gah SFO has something similar (well, maybe not as good but with funny lights) and I hate it. The last thing you want coming off a long haul flight is headache inducing lighting.
Very cool. Cool...jazz... get it? Eh, I am waaaay too easily amused.
On airports, do you fly out of Hopkins? I love the giant "paper" airplanes there. http://tinyurl.com/jfq43
Oh wow, that passage way is amazing. They never do anything like that here.
Yeah to bob. Those pics remind me of the chicago airport, which I always thought was a big 70's mistake.
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